What is the purpose of People Support?

What is the purpose of People Support?

People Support is another name for Human resources. Our team exist to help support and manage one of our most valuable resources. You.

We provide a number of transaction type services such as:

  • Paying team members,
  • Sourcing the right person for the roles we have in the business
  • Answering employee questions
  • Supporting managers with employment questions
  • Measuring metrics that show the effectiveness and wellbeing our our wider team
  • Administrative services related to employment
  • Ensuring the organisation is meeting employment and immigration requirements  
 In addition these we also provide a number of services to make The Warehouse Group a great place to work. This includes

  • Training and self development content creation
  • Facilitation of training content
  • Future workforce and talent management
  • Updating policies and procedures related to employee experience

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