

Applies to: all NLG team



To make certain that employees are not subject to actual or perceived pressure to support any activity that they might not ordinarily support, and in the interest of the convenience and continued goodwill of our customers, neither employees or non employees may engage in solicitation or distribution of materials on company property at any time or for any purpose without prior approval.  To do so is considered misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action including termination of employment.


For the purposes of this policy, “solicitation” is any activity, verbal or written, made by any persons to other persons, that demands, urges, or requests a contribution of money, time, effort or personal commitment, of any nature whatsoever.  “Distribution” shall be considered the distribution or passing out of any non job-related literature, whatsoever.

Solicitation during Working Time or in Working Areas

Employees may not solicit or distribute literature for any purpose during working time or in working areas.
“Working time” includes the working time of both the employee doing the solicitation or distribution and the employee to whom it is directed.  “Working time” does not include meal breaks, rest periods and other times during which employee are not required to be in the store.
“Working areas” include all customer shopping areas, areas in which employees perform their duties, and all office and storage areas including the staff room.

Solicitation during Breaks

Employees may engage in solicitation or distribute literature if both the soliciting employee and the employee being solicited are on an authorised meal break or rest period or have not yet begun their scheduled work hours.

Company Literature

Literature related to the Company’s promotional activities and product information may be distributed to customers.

Wearing of Insignias

Employees are prohibited from wearing any buttons, emblems, symbols, labels, tags or insignias of any kind or nature that would be perceived to endorse any political, charitable, civic club or organisation without prior written approval.

Employees may wear buttons, markers, emblems, symbols, labels, tags or insignias related to company promotional events, games, contests and any other occasion that would promote a Company sale or special event.


The management of the Company may, from time to time, conduct campaigns or solicitations on behalf of activities it may support, such as Daffodil Day or Red Cross.


The collection of money for presents, flowers, parties or donations, or for cases of particular hardship, may be considered appropriate.  These activities may be considered exceptional and may be permitted after prior approval has been obtained.

Solicitation by non Employees

Solicitation or distribution of literature to employees by any non- employees are not allowed at any time during working hours or in the Company’s work areas.

Union Solicitation

Union solicitation is regulated by the Employment Relations Act 2000, Section 13.  This section allows a person, group or organisation seeking to represent any employee in negotiations access to the workplace.  Before they enter, however, the representatives must gain consent from the employer, which cannot be unreasonably withheld.


Any vendor wishing to offer enticements, monetary or otherwise, to help the sale of their product must be brought to the attention of the manager.

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