Misconduct and Serious Misconduct

Misconduct and Serious Misconduct

Applies to: all NLG Team Members


The following section outlines a number of instances that are viewed by The Company as Serious Misconduct or Misconduct.  Other incidents that fall outside those documented may also be viewed as Misconduct or Serious Misconduct, and therefore be included in a disciplinary procedure.  The examples set out do not represent an exhaustive list.


Serious Misconduct

The following are examples of instances that are regarded as Serious Misconduct by the Company and an employee may be liable to summary dismissal.  This listing is not all-inclusive.


  • Being drunk or under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs or engaging in disorderly conduct during work hours
  • Bringing prohibited drugs onto company premises, or consuming liquor during working hours without prior approval from management of the Company, including lunch time and tea breaks
  • Removing alcohol from the Company premises without permission
  • Driving a company motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
  • Breaching the Key Policy
  • Having an undisclosed financial interest in a competitor or with any organisation that does, or is likely to do, any business as a vendor with the Company
  • Using or diverting any company information, product, programme or patent for personal gain or to any person or entity
  • Possessing firearms, explosives or weapons within the Company’s premises
  • Being in possession or removing company property or the property of other persons from the premises without proper authorisation
  • Wilfully causing destruction or damage to any property belonging to the Company or to any other employee
  • Falsifying, altering, destroying or removing company reports or records or assisting others in doing so
  • Falsifying records or statements to obtain government benefits or insurance payouts
  • Disclosing confidential information or knowledge acquired during employment with the Company concerning business affairs, trade secrets, business opportunities, property, customers, clients or staff of the Company
  • Processing a sale when the Credit Department / computer system has declined credit and where written authorisation from the store manager was not obtained
  • Selling used product as new without informing the customer of the history of the product
  • Failing to follow cash handling procedures
  • Harassment
  • Serious breach of the Company Code of Conduct or policy and procedures
  • Processing their own sales or cash transaction through EFTPOS
  • Taking cash from the till (this includes IOU’s)
  • Processing cheques declined by Certegy
  • Breach of the Purchase Card policy
  • Conviction of either serious crimes or crimes involving fraud and dishonesty



The following are examples of instances that are regarded as Misconduct by the Company and an employee may be liable to dismissal on notice.  This listing is not all-inclusive.

  • Excessive tardiness e.g. being late on more than 3 occasions in any 90 day perio
  • Having a conflict of interest e.g. owning or operating a business that competes with the Company
  • Soliciting of business for personal gain
  • Deliberately suppressing or distorting product knowledge
  • Failing to comply with the Smokefree policy
  • Breaching Company policy and procedure
  • Failing to meet required performance standards
  • Failing to sight the appropriate identification when receiving a cheque
  • Failing to get a customer to write their address, phone number, type and expiry date of identification on the back of a cheque
  • Being absent from work without authorisation

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