How We Work Together - IEA 2017 - Staying Safe and Well

How We Work Together - IEA 2017 - Staying Safe and Well

Applies to: All Noel Leeming Team Members

Health, Safety & Wellbeing

The Company has a strong commitment to health, safety and wellbeing, and accepts its responsibility to comply with legislation and ensure the safety and wellbeing of all people on the Company’s premises. However the success of this also depends on your personal responsibility to comply with all statutory obligations, policies  and procedures, rules and any special work requirements (and any other relevant legislation that may apply from time to time) established by the Company for occupational safety of you while at work and for visitors to the Company’s premises. Non-compliance may constitute serious misconduct.


You must undertake all work in a safe manner by;
  • Taking reasonable care for your own health and safety; including actively participating in training and complying with Company Health & Safety procedures.
  • Taking reasonable care to ensure that the health & safety of others in the work place is not adversely affected by acts or omissions.
  • Effectively participating in Health & Safety activities; including hazard/risk identification, team briefings and discussion of you and any team member health & safety concerns in the appropriate forum.
  • Immediately reporting all workplace related injuries, illnesses, incidents or “near misses” to your one-up manager or supervisor.
  • Actively supporting and participating in Health & Safety meetings in the work place.
Please also refer to the Health & Safety Policy in the Company Policy & Procedures Manual.

Accident Compensation and Rehabilitation

Should you sustain a workplace related injury, the Company is committed to support the rehabilitation by consultation with you and other specialist parties to achieve your safe and early return to work.

Health Information

Where the Company has reasonable cause to be concerned about your health, whether due to illness or injury, you may be requested to undergo a medical examination by a medical specialist nominated by the Company. This will be in order to assess your suitability for work-based rehabilitation programmes or to enable an informed decision to be made regarding your continued employment.

The cost of such examinations will be paid for by the Company. If you do not agree to undergo a medical examination, the Company may make its decision on the basis of any other information on hand at the time.

Employee Assistance Programme

Support is available by making use of our free and confidential counselling service for work, home and personal wellbeing. You can access this through the company EAP and/or OCP (Organisational Counselling Programmes) programme.

Alcohol & Drugs

You are expected to report fit for duty at your scheduled work time. You shall be able to fulfil your duties safely and in an acceptable manner without limitation due to the use or after-effects of alcohol, non-prescription drugs, prescribed medications, or any other substances that may alter behaviour. If you arrive at work and your ability to carry out the duties of your role is impaired by alcohol or drugs then you may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

The Company prohibits the use, manufacture, sale, distribution, transfer, consumption or possession of drugs or utensils on Company property, this includes in Company vehicles. Bringing unauthorised non-prescription drugs or alcohol onto Company premises, consumption of those drugs or alcohol on Company property or during work hours (including breaks) without authorisation is strictly prohibited.

If the Company has a reasonable cause to believe that you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may be asked to submit to alcohol or drug testing. You may be required to submit to testing in the following circumstances:
  • If there is a reasonable suspicion that you are impaired by drugs and/or alcohol,
  • As the result of an accident, incident or near miss.
It is considered serious misconduct to attend work impaired by non-prescriptive drugs and/or alcohol or to refuse to submit to testing if requested in any of the circumstances above. Disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may occur if you refuse a request for testing, there is a breach of policy or a test returns a positive result.

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