How We Work Together - IEA 2017 - Our Code of Conduct

How We Work Together - IEA 2017 - Our Code of Conduct

Applies to: All Noel Leeming Team Members

Minimum standards of behaviour and performance are necessary so that a harmonious and safe environment may exist in the workplace. It is expected that all parties will act in a responsible manner towards each other. The following are minimum standards of behaviour that you and all team members are expected to observe. The policies and procedures issued by the Company and updated from time to time form an important part of your terms of employment, and therefore everyone is expected to read and understand these. From time to time the Company may amend these requirements and advise you accordingly. The following Code of Conduct must also be read in conjunction with the Company conduct policies in the Company Policy & Procedures Manual. Breaches of these minimum standards may result in disciplinary action. Breaches considered by the Company to constitute serious misconduct may result in dismissal without notice.

The Company conducts its business according to the highest standards of business ethics. You are also expected to conduct yourself with the best interests of the Company in mind. Listed are specific practices and policies to which you are expected to strictly adhere to. In general, behaviour that does or could cause the Company loss and/or damage, bring the Company into disrepute, or cause harm or embarrassment to someone is not permitted and, depending on the impact of that behaviour, may be considered serious misconduct.
Any action, which by its nature and in light of reasonable community standards would be regarded as misconduct, or serious misconduct, may be dealt with as such.

Personal Behaviour
Everyone is expected to conduct themselves in a socially acceptable manner. Threats, abuse, threatening/bad language or physical violence towards other team members, customers or suppliers will be considered serious misconduct. Provocation may not be accepted as an excuse.

Personal Gain
The use or diverting of any Company information, product, programme or patent for personal gain or to any person or entity is not permitted and will be considered serious misconduct.

Confidential Information
Confidential information or knowledge gained during the course of employment must not be divulged to any unauthorised person. This obligation continues after your employment has ended. Doing so constitutes serious misconduct.

Misleading and Deceptive Behaviour
If you intentionally mislead or deceive any team member or customer of the Company, this will be considered serious misconduct.

Bias and Discrimination
You may not exclude or deny services or benefits to any customer or other company team member on the grounds of sex, marital status, religious belief, ethical belief, colour, race, ethnic or national origins, disability, age, political opinion, employment status, family status and sexual orientation, nor grant any discriminatory consideration or advantage. All forms of unlawful discrimination and bias of any form are not permitted, doing so constitutes serious misconduct.

Any action, which by its nature and in light of reasonable community standards would be regarded as misconduct, or serious misconduct, may be dealt with as such.
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